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Project: #endsexforpads

Location: Jirapa, Upper West Region, Ghana 2021/2022

Contributing to lower teen pregnancy ending period poverty.

Partnership with Portia Gana Foundation

Data from the Ghana Health Service District Health Information Management System shows an alarming annual increase in pregnancies from age 10 to 14. Roughly 112,800 girls between the age of 10 to 19 get pregnant annually in Ghana. From survey conducted in Jirapa, Ghana, we realised the lack of access to basic period hygiene products resulted in girls spending time each month out of school to provide for their needs. A vast majority of these girls fall prey to sexual predators who exchange unprotected sex for basic hygiene goods.

In partnership with the Portia Gana Foundation and in the interest of women and girls worldwide, we are keen on providing reproductive health and proper sexual health education, coupled with the provision of menstrual hygiene products such as pads, menstrual cups and other basic necessities.
We also organise life skills delevopment and continued education encouragement, as well as finding or creating employment opportunities for teen mums to break dependency.
Finally, we create a support system for orphaned and or underprivileged newborns and their caregivers to curb the poverty cycle. Therefore your membership fee goes further to transforming the lives of others one day at a time.

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